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Monday, November 4, 2013

A case of 'Big Business' takes a hit to the wallet

As we all know, "liberals", with their heartfelt solicitous concern for "the little guy", have a constitutional distrust/hate of "Big Business" (*) -- one of their favorite means of denigrating ideas or arguments they don't like and don't want to deal with is to associate them in some way with "Big Business", a la "Oh, that's just 'Big Oil/Pharma/Ag/etc' speaking ... so it's automatically false (and a lie)" -- so, I'm sure we can expect to see rejoicing from "liberals" all across the land, now that "Big Abort" has taken a hit to its quite ample wallet.

Michael Egnor (quoting Wesley Smith): "If abortion was really only 3% of [Planned Parenthood]..."

(*) except, of course, when they don't


Nick said...

But "liberals" are hypocrites, and often in bed with crony capitalism and big corporations.

Ilíon said...

Welcome to my dusty little corner of the web.

"But "liberals" are hypocrites, and often in bed with crony capitalism and big corporations."

Exactly. That's I meant with the "(*) except, of course, when they don't" aside.