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Sunday, May 23, 2010

In defense of the impious Rand Paul

J.E.Dyer (HotAir): In defense of the impious Rand Paul

Here are two more pieces concerning Rand Paul's "impiety." I hope to write up some comments, especially concerning the silly editorial from The Wall Street Journal. But, for now, I'll just say that much of what is presently destroying America traces directly back to certain unconstitutional and incoherent (and thus, immoral!) provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Lawrence Auster: The Wall Street Journal on Rand Paul

Seve Sailer: The Rand Paul Brouhaha and 21st Century Reality


Unknown said...

There another post about this at Austers, in the form of a comment by A. Zarkov.

Ilíon said...

Thank you, Phantom.

An amusing thing about that is that A.Zarkov, and Auster indirectly in posting it without comment, suggests that Rand Paul ought to have criticized the civil rights act indirectly, at the margins, ought to have criticized it only so far as the vast majority are willing to hear. That's strategy; the irony comes in when one realizes or remembers that Auster is constantly excoriating prominent conservative pundits and politicians as dishonest, or even outright sell-outs, for saying what, and no more than, the public is willing to hear regarding certain topics (for instance, regarding Islam and our relations with Moslems).