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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Random thoughts on 'Game'

I beg Gentle Reader's indulgence if "Game" is unfamiliar (*) ... one hasn't missed much, I'm thinking. This post is meant primarily as a response to someone on another blog. But, I figure that if I'm going to take the time to answer the fellow, I might as well post it on my own blog.

Also, this may be another of "those posts" ... the sort Cathy doesn't want her nephew even to see. 'Cause there is probably going to be some "language" in it.

(*) For instance, one of my sisters is finally reading some of my posts, and I'd just bet that she's never heard of "Game."

First, the background --

Recently, the blogger at 'Haley's Halo,' whom I understand to be a relatively young Christian woman who nonetheless pays attention to "Game," as though it and its aficionados have anything worthwhile to say about human beings, put up a post called Hypergamy and the stigma of being the back-up plan. Now, it's a fairly good little essay, in spite of its anti-Christian presuppositions.

Skepticism seemingly being my nature, I made a comment questioning one of the "givens" of "Game" that she accepts and asserted: namely that women are naturally "hypergamous."
Haley: "Given women’s hypergamous natures, …"

Ilíon: Do women really have a hypergamous nature (any more than men have a promiscuous nature (*) )? Or is that largely, or mostly, social conditioning or expectations? - women certainly seem, on average, to have a sheepish nature with respect to the expectations, no matter how odd, of their social circle.

And, whether women do have a hypergamous nature, doesn’t the nature of what constitutes “marrying up” vary by social conditioning or expectations? And, if it is women’s nature to “marrying up,” how can societies in which women are expected to “marry down” last from generation to generation? (many American Indian peoples, including the Aztecs and Mayas) I mean, how can a society fundamentally at odds with the natures of either women or men endure?

And, if women have hypergamous natures, considering that in modern-day America most black-white interracial pairings are between a white woman and a black man, does that mean that in modern-day America black men generally have higher status and better prospects than white men? Or, does it mean something else … like say, that the “social elites” constantly portray that pairing as most desirable … and women tend to do what they’re told they’re expected to do?

Haley: "Given women’s hypergamous natures, however, I started wondering if more church women would say yes to a date with a man who had just been out on a date with another woman from the same church group."

Ilíon: Women are competitive with other women. Also, they’re humans … and as humans, they tend, especially when more immature, to most want what someone else already has. So, a man that no other woman seems to desire will be seen by most women as undesirable … it has next to nothing to do with his qualities, but rather with the perception, which doesn’t even need to reflect reality, that *other* women want him.
By the way (in reference to my claim that women are generally sheepish), that sister who finally sometimes reads my blog is a most unsheepish woman. Without going into details, most woman can be made to say or do just about anything, including confessing to terrible crimes of which they are innocent, if one convinces then that one has the ability to take away their children if they do not "cooperate." This didn't work when a young (female) prosecutor-on-the-make tried to use my sister as one of the bodies on which she built her career.

In case the term is unfamiliar, "hypergamy" is a sociological/anthropological term referring to marraige patterns in a given society whereby persons of one sex typically (and/or by social expectation) marry persons of higher social status. In common terms, it means "marrying up."

So, if women are naturally "hypergamous," then women would always, or near enough as makes no difference, seek to marry men of higher social status than themselves.

However, when "Game" aficionados claim that "Women are naturally hypergamous," what they mean, bluntly, is "Women are sluts by their very natures." Or, to be less direct about it, they mean, "By their very natures, women *always* have their feelers out for a "better deal" than the man with whom they currently have sexual relations."

Now, I won't deny that there are women like this -- hell! some of them are even my relatives, whom I painfully love, and can I assure Gentle Reader that it is no picnic seeing and trying to live with the damage they pointlessly inflict upon themselves, their (passing) men and their children -- but to claim that *all* women are like this, and by their very natures? I'm sorry, but that's bullshit.

Moreover, the new man is almost never a "better deal" than the discarded man -- but, and this is the important thing, he is generally "more exciting" than the discarded man. And I don't mean that he's better in bed (and even if he were, how would a woman know that *before* she has dumped her man), I mean that he brings emotional "drama" into her life.

There are many factors which go into explaining why so many contemporary women are so willing to make of themselves sluts, but "hypergamy" is not one of them.

Later, 'Y81' commented:
Y81: Ilion’s point about competitiveness (as opposed to hypergamy) reminds me of how I started dating my wife. I was at a party, and, as the party was breaking up, I said to another girl, “why don’t we have lunch sometime.” (The other girl wasn’t really a romantic interest, but I was trying to get married, so I was on a campaign to have dates with everyone. You have to kiss a hundred frogs to find a prince, you have to have a hundred lunches to make a sale, etc.) Anyway, my wife was piqued that I hadn’t asked her. I actually didn’t know her very well, which is why. So she said, “What about me? Why aren’t you asking me to have lunch?” So I got her number and later I called her, because obviously a girl you don’t know very well is a better prospect than a girl you have already written off as a romantic prospect. The rest is history.

As my wife said later, her original motivation was not a strong feeling for me, much less a hypergamous impulse, whatever that would mean in this context, but pure competitiveness, that a guy was asking another girl out, and not her.

To which 'Cane Caldo' responded:
And that is why they call it Game. A textbook example.

To which I quipped:
But “Game” is still BS, including its textbooks.

To which 'Cane Caldo' replied:
On another thread, here, I asked what you meant by “Game is BS”, and you declined to answer…unless you waited several days.

I ask again.

So, at last, Gentle Reader, we come to my response to 'Cane Caldo,' which is the prompting of this post.

"... and you declined to answer ..."

1) Did I, now?
2) Do I answer to you -- do I stand at your beck-and-call? (Do you agree to stand at mine?)

"On another thread, here, I asked what you meant by “Game is BS” ..."

I mean precisely what I said (I guess I just roll that way) -- on whatever level one cares to analyze it, "Game" is BS. Given the fondness of "Game" aficionados for deploying acronyms -- which ought in itself to be a strong clue that "Game" just might be BS -- perhaps saying it is "BS" was too simple or direct. Perhaps I ought have said that "Game" is WCBS and had left it up to you to ascertain whether the "WC" stands for "world-class" or "water closet."

Let’s look at one aspect, the constant whinging of the wannabe “Alphas” (*) that “I’m a nice guy -- really I am -- but I *have* to act like an asshole to get the girls! 'Cause girls just don't notice nice guys, these days!!!” (All the exclamation marks are because "Game" aficionados strike me as actually being pussy-whipped girly-men, and as such surely must write like junior-high girls.)

Look, any fellow who is trying to “get the girls” is *not* a nice guy; he’s a cad or an unsuccessful wannabe cad. So, these “Game” aficionados are not merely dishonest, they’re also pathetically dishonest with themselves.

(*) That ranking system, by the way, is another aspect of the intense bullshittery of “Game,” as though a man’s worth as a man is measured by how much pussy he gets … and, moreover, by the diversity of it. Or that a woman's worth as a woman is measured by how "hot" she is; that is, by how many cads and wannabe cads currently (for time stops for no "hottie") desire to use her as though she were nothing more than a masturbation machine.

Or, let’s look at another aspect of it, Roissy’s [for Gentle Reader's benefit, 'Roissy' is one of the main "Game theorists"] characterization of women as “hypergamous” by nature and his theories and techniques on how to use that to one’s advantage. Hypergamy is about marriage, but “Game” is all about avoiding marriage while doing one’s best to indulge oneself, at the expense of other human beings, in the sexual benefits of it.

"Game" is all about using other persons, and ultimately oneself, as mere things, as means to the end of getting one's rocks off. Marriage is about something wholly different than using other human being as mere things.

Or, let’s look at another aspect of it, the risible claims of Roissy and his followers that they long for a society of traditionalist virtue, but that they, poor things, simply must make do and make their way in the feminist-dominated anti-virtuous society in which they find themselves. Is this not like the man throwing kerosene into the burning theater asserting that he longs for a society in which people do not yell “Fire!” in crowded theaters?

A virtuous man is virtuous all alone, if needs must; and he certainly does not consciously and intentionally add to the anti-virtue of his society.

"Game" aficionados are liars and hypocrites -- contrary to their constant assertions, they are not opposed to feminism and the destruction it necessarily inflicts upon our society as a whole (and which must ultimately lead to the total collapse of the society and the nation) and upon all the individuals who comprise the society. Rather, they intensely desire to freely and fully partake of the libertinism which is the natural, and intended, result of feminism; while, at the same time, whinging that no one has thought to keep for them a stash of "pure" women reserved on some upper shelf for when they are finally ready to "settle down."

Look, if you're all about "getting pussy" (or "getting cock," if you're a woman), then "Game," despite its essentially false and wholly inadequate anthropology, may be of some utilitarian value to you. But stop calling yourself a Christian, and stop calling yourself a "good person," for you are neither. And stop whinging that there are no good women (or good men, if you're a woman) left any more -- there are no good women (or men) in your purview because that's not what you're looking for.


Athol Kay said...

Game is in essence "applied female psychology". There is unquestionably a dark side to it, but also a light side as well.

It's easy to discount Game blogs as seedy and evil, but in recent months it seems that the adaption of Game to improving and saving marriages is becoming increasingly more prominent. There's a number of married bloggers writing on this subject now.

There's a baby in Game's bathwater.

Drew said...

//Ilíon: Do women really have a hypergamous nature (any more than men have a promiscuous nature (*) )? Or is that largely, or mostly, social conditioning or expectations?//

"Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God." (1 Corinthians 11:3)

//And, if it is women’s nature to “marrying up,” how can societies in which women are expected to “marry down” last from generation to generation? (many American Indian peoples, including the Aztecs and Mayas) I mean, how can a society fundamentally at odds with the natures of either women or men endure?//

They didn't.

//However, when "Game" aficionados claim that "Women are naturally hypergamous," what they mean, bluntly, is "Women are sluts by their very natures."//

NOTICING the better deal by nature and being a slut by nature are two entirely different things.

//Moreover, the new man is almost never a "better deal" than the discarded man -- but, and this is the important thing, he is generally "more exciting" than the discarded man.//

To say that he is "almost never" a better deal is a severe overstatement. But in the cases where the new guy is actually a worse deal, other factors such as boredom, insanity, and corrupt divorce laws can help explain the phenomenon.

//As my wife said later, her original motivation was not a strong feeling for me, much less a hypergamous impulse, whatever that would mean in this context, but pure competitiveness//

Competitiveness for attention is a separate, very real aspect of the female nature. Just because the word "hypergamy" doesn't itself explain every female behavior doesn't invalidate the theory of hypergamy.

//Rather, they intensely desire to freely and fully partake of the libertinism which is the natural, and intended, result of feminism; while, at the same time, whinging that no one has thought to keep for them a stash of "pure" women reserved on some upper shelf for when they are finally ready to "settle down."//

What the people you refer to are doing is wrong. But as a single person, I can definitely sympathize with their viewpoint.

cathy said...

Hey, Ilion,

There are a few things you've said recently that I feel uneasy about, so I'd like to check on whether I'm misinterpreting .

Would you explain your working definitions for "feminist" and "feminism'' ?

Ilíon said...

In an email, someone (who is not an American) asked me:

"Is this what courtship has degenerated to in the US?

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to be ungrateful to our Creator and discard his counsels.

Shades of Rom 1!

My response is, yes, this is what courtship -- including, to a large degree, among ostensive Christians -- has degenerated to in America.

Moreover (touching on discarding the counsels of The Creator) --

In a different recent thread on the 'Haley's Halo' blog (I'm not supplying the link to her item, because it's not my intention or desire to single out her commenter here, where he cannot defend himself), in which she is criticizing this, someone (who presumably considers himself or herself to be Christian) responded to Haley's post thusly:

"Point #5 is especially bad advice, since people who have “been married a long time” will have faced a completely different dating market. Since they haven’t had to pay much attention to the dating market (speaking presumptively, of course), it’s unlikely that they will have advice grounded in reality.

Also, people in general tend to draw on their own experience. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can lead to erroneous advice, since there is always the chance of misattribution. By this I mean that it is possible for someone to have a disconnect between what one
thinks makes/made his relationship work and what actually makes/made his relationship work.

In general, though, I wouldn’t seek advice from single people either. A young single person is, in general,* stupid and inexperienced in these matters. An old single person is generally* a failure.

Ultimately, if I were seeking advice, I would look for empirically based observations given by someone with a discerning spirit of wisdom. Like Citizen Renegade.

* There are exceptions, of course. This is just a general rule based on personal observation.

This person's initial whinge about Perry Noble's point #5 (if your goal is a loving and lasting marriage, then seek "marriage/dating advice" from persons who have been married for a long time, rather than from persons who have "literally blown through relationship after relationship.") is simply another variation on the common childish whinge of teenagers: "You just don't understand! Things are different now!!" As though human nature has changed, now that we have cell phones (with texting!) and iPods.

Except that now that the "Baby Boomers" are running the show, adolescent immaturity is the cultural touchstone, rather than something to recognize as immaturity as work to grow out of.

And this 'Citizen Renegade,' who supposedly offers "empirically based observations given by someone with a discerning spirit of wisdom" is apparently the 'Roissy' fellow -- the fellow whose "philosophy" is about "getting high-quality pussy" without strings (or guilt), but assuredly is not about building loving and lasting marriages.

Drew said...

"Human nature" is a misleading term. The Bible describes that there is a flesh nature and a regenerated nature. To the extent that society has become less Christian, that flesh nature is going to shine through in such a way that it could indeed seem as though human nature had changed.

Cane Caldo said...

Just letting you know I saw this, but became exceedingly busy. I will read and respond soon. Thanks for taking the time.

Ilíon said...

You're welcome; and I quite understand that "real life" interferes with "internetting."

Cane Caldo said...

First, a little housekeeping:

1) I wrote this comment across the whole day. I tried to be coherent, but you will be the judge.

2) I want to be clear that I am not a Game devotee.

3) I don't subscribe to playing generally.

4) I think the "study" of evolutionary psychology is a modern phrenology.

5) I definitely am a Christian.

Now, on to the substance.

"Game" is just a (poor, but relatively) useful term. Seduction used to be called an "Art", but the elevated status of youth in all arenas has led to a change in parlance.* For most of what follows I'm going to take the dimmest view of Game possible; that is: your view, as best I can tell.

In your words there's a vacillation in your stance of women's natures. On one hand, you talk about them as the Creator intended them to be--or at least as most of us perceive as the way the Creator intended. Other times you talk of the way they behave in their fallen state. Game (seduction) disposes with the first notion as irrelevant, and it has a point: there are no unfallen women.

Just as every man who calls a man a fool in his heart commits murder--and there are no men out there who have not--; similarly there are no slut-free women. Game sets out to exploit this, and it remains true that it works.

Let's look at this comparatively: Take property rights. We can agree that a certain piece of property is mine. Even if you steal it, it remains mine under the law. That would not be consoling. You still have the property, and me saying theft is bullshit isn't going to return my property to me. In the same way, it doesn't do any good to say that women wanting to be seduced is bullshit.

What I appreciate about Roissy is his pure--concentrated--explanation of exploitation. In the same way I appreciate Nietzsche, who was the last great thinker about the implications of a Godless world. "So because then thou art lukewarm-- and neither hot nor cold--I will spew thee out of my mouth."

Last, I found out about Game blogs indirectly; I wasn't looking for pick-up advice. What it revealed to me was a lot of episodes in life that were sexually "positive", but consequentially explained why my bad behavior was "rewarded", and my good behavior was scorned.

What I don't like about Game talk: The wielding of Alpha/Beta jargon, and the useless lesser-animal baggage that comes with it. Yin and Yang are so much more useful, flexible, terms (just as "Tao" far surpasses "Game"), and better explains the mix of passive and aggressive traits that Athol Kay and DalRock talk of. That complaint is second to the refusal of pick-up artists to admit that Game is a (cynical) stand-in for true virtues...just as stealing is a criminal stand-in for purchasing. Worst of all is the lack of clarification that pick-up "alphas" prosper at the whim of the state. In a sane society, cads would fear virtuous men.

*As you say in another comment of this same post: "Except that now that the "Baby Boomers" are running the show, adolescent immaturity is the cultural touchstone, rather than something to recognize as immaturity as work to grow out of."

Ilíon said...

I don't want this fine example of "Game" thinking to be lost. Notice the "reasoning:"

"The fact that Retha found one serial fornicator unattractive doesn't indicate that it was his success with women alone that turned her off unless he was significantly higher status than her. Hence the "a little bit of beta" that is advised for alphas who are slumming. (In such cases, the woman's rationalization hamster can't spin its wheel fast enough to convince her that she'll be able to hold his interest over time, so she rejects him first in proactive self-defense.)"

This is how Freudians, and Darwinists, and Marxists "reason" -- everything and its opposite is "proof" of the correctness of one's assertions.

Ilíon said...

Cane Caldo: "2) I want to be clear that I am not a Game devotee."

I *did* make a conscious effort to not assume in my response that you were -- despite that your demand of me implied otherwise.

Cane Caldo: "4) I think the "study" of evolutionary psychology is a modern phrenology.
... similarly there are no slut-free women. Game sets out to exploit this, and it remains true that it works.

Which is to say, the (ahem) intellectual basis of "Game" is "modern phrenology." Or, more bluntly, it is BS.

As I pointed out in a different post: "Now, the *best* lies (from the point of view of the liar) always contain [some] truth; the more truth, the better the lie. And, the epitome of the art of lying would be to speak only what is true, and yet deceive one's marks."

We'll get back to this point.

Cane Caldo: "In your words there's a vacillation in your stance of women's natures. On one hand, you talk about them as the Creator intended them to be--or at least as most of us perceive as the way the Creator intended. Other times you talk of the way they behave in their fallen state."

I don't put women on pedestals, which is the mistake the Victorians made, and for which mistake we're all still paying the price. But, neither do I over-react to that error and put women in the gutter -- and, by the by, the Victorians' pedestalization of women was itself an over-reaction to their grandparents' gutterization of women.

Cane Caldo: "Just as every man who calls a man a fool in his heart commits murder--and there are no men out there who have not--;"

There is an equivocation here (no doubt one of which you're unaware). The English translation of the Bible uses 'fool' in at least two different ways.

The more common refers to the person who *refuses* to reason properly, who *refuses* to acknowledge truth, who *chooses* to think and behave as though he were too stupid to do otherwise -- thus, "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God'".

There is no sin in honestly calling a fool a fool. And, sometimes, to refuse to acknowledge that a fool is a fool is itself sin; it depends upon the why of the refusal and how it is managed. For example, the persons who refuse to publically acknowledge that a fool is a fool can generally be counted upon to behave in the manner to which you're referring (reference to Matthew 5:22) with respect to those who do point out the fool's foolishness.

The second, uncommon, use of 'fool' is that of Matthew 5:22 -- saying to one's brother-in-God, "you fool/moron, you impious, ungodly one!" essentially, it is the assertion that one's brother-in-God is an enemy of God. But, it is not the word (nor, if true, the judgement) which is the sin; rather the sin is in the unjustified anger and the hatred with which it is said. And, generally, the assertion is false in those cases; for the accuser is speaking out of anger and/or hatred, seeking to wound his brother rather than to aid him in his spiritual journey. That is, the accuser is generally acting the fool in the first sense ... and the second.

Ilíon said...

Cane Caldo: "Just as every man who calls a man a fool in his heart commits murder--and there are no men out there who have not--; similarly there are no slut-free women. Game sets out to exploit this, and it remains true that it works."

There is no woman who is not sorely tempted by some sin or other -- just as there is no man who is not. But, not all women are tempted to sluttish behavior; few, in fact (*) -- just as not all men will be tempted by a (blatant) slut or by a whore (**). I, for instance, am not at all tempted by sluttish behavior -- but the opposite? the behavior which convincingly says "I want you and only you"? Now, *that* I can be tempted by.

(*) Far more women consciously choose to behave behave sluttishly than are in fact tempted to behave sluttishly. Most sluts are sluts as a matter of strategy, not of having succumbed to a temptation -- which is why the men who marry them generally end up so dissatisfied with their married sex-lives. These women have made the break between love and sex -- you know, the one that the ethos of the "sexual revolution" promised would lead to copious amounts of guilt-free and string-free sex for everyone. These women have poisoned their entire attitude toward sex; it is for them a tool to manipulate a man. "Game," if you will.

(**) Years ago, a whore actually jumped into my car. Now, it wasn't just that I had my little niece with me that would have lead me to decline her "services" if she hadn't first noticed the child and reasoned that a man holding a child is probably not out looking for "a good time." I never once afterward thought, "Oh, if only had been waiting there alone, I might have had some fun!" And, I know I'm not unique in this.

Cane Caldo: "4) I think the "study" of evolutionary psychology is a modern phrenology.
... similarly there are no slut-free women. Game sets out to exploit this, and it remains true that it works.

What "Game" exploits is the game that some women are attempting to play against all men in their purview.

So, yes, it "works" against *those* women -- but, its anthopology is false (it is "modern phrenology"). "Game" doesn't tell one truth about human nature, nor about the nature of women; it is, in fact, quite false in that respect. Rather, "Game" tells you how to game a game, but this is a very different thing from telling you truth.

This is what men want: the respect of a woman whom they love.

This is what women want: the love of a man whom they respect.

Keep in mind that 'love' and 'respect' are mutually reinforcing; each implies, at least in part, the other. We can speak about them as though they were wholly differnet and separate things because as we do so we are emphasizing different aspects of the same thing. I don't know of an English word, other than 'love' for that unified thing.

Ilíon said...

Cane Caldo: "Let's look at this comparatively: Take property rights. We can agree that a certain piece of property is mine. Even if you steal it, it remains mine under the law. That would not be consoling. You still have the property, and me saying theft is bullshit isn't going to return my property to me. ..."

Did you really thing about this analogy?

In this analogy, "Game" is the rationalization that the thief uses to attempt to justify his theft. His rationalization of his crime remains bullshit, whether or not your property is returned to you.

And, you choosing to accede to the falsehood of his rationalization is not going to get you your property back. The first step to getting back your property is to reject the false and tendentions reasoning of the thief's excuse-making, and instead to reason properly.

Cane Caldo: "... In the same way, it doesn't do any good to say that women wanting to be seduced is bullshit."

Where have I even implied that?

Of course women want to be seduced. But then, so do men.

And we've known that for thousands of years.

Ilíon said...

Cane Caldo: "Worst of all is the lack of clarification that pick-up "alphas" prosper at the whim of the state. In a sane society, cads would fear virtuous men."

For a variety of reasons, starting with the sin which has corrupted all of human nature -- making us perverse, such that we continually act to thwart our own best interests -- and culminating in the social developments of at least the past century (such that we are today where we are), women are frequently making the perverse effort to get "the love of a man whom they respect" by respecting no man, nor themselves, as they use their bodies as bait to catch what they're not going to want once they have it. They're not going to want him, because they never respected him.

For a generation or so, this was how most men have gotten "caught." But, while men are frequently slow, they're not wholly stupid. Men in general haven't yet figured out quite what is wrong (that is, working to make everyone unhappy rather than happy), but all can see that this set-up isn't working, it isn't leading to happiness for anyone. Except divorce lawyers.

For a variety of reasons, starting with the sin which has corrupted all of human nature -- making us perverse, such that we continually act to thwart our own best interests -- and culminating in the social developments of at least the past century (such that we are today where we are), men have come to believe that "What (and all) I really want is mind-blowing orgasm; lots of 'em."

Our present-day culture *trains* men to believe -- it's that "evolutionary psychology" thingie again -- that men, by their very natures, seek/desire only, or mostly, sexual outlet in orgasm. But, if that were true, then no man, anywhere, *needs* a woman. If orgasm were all, or even mainly, what men want, then most men could give themselves what they want (and, generally, more intensely) without the bother of sexual congress.

Or, if it were simply sexual congress that men want, there are always whores -- and utilizing the services of whores is certainly less bother and much cheaper (discounting disease) than marriage. Yet, men, in general, avoid whores. And the ones who do use them are rarely satistied by that outlet alone.

"Game" is tied into all this present-day falseness. It "works" not because it presents a true picture of human nature (or of female nature), but because the men and women of *this* culture have been trained up for a number of generations such that something like "Game" can use the false things they believe about themselves and about one another to thwart their own best interests.

"Game" latches into the obvious observation that the current set-up between the sexes (in our culture) isn't making anyone happy -- and into the common male anger at women over this fact -- and it latches into the false belief inculcated in men generally that all they really want is orgasm, to falsely promise: "This is how to get what you really want, and to thus be happy!"

Men and women want the same things -- to faithfully love a faithful and loving spouse, and to have children.

Cane Caldo: "What I don't like about Game talk: The wielding of Alpha/Beta jargon, and the useless lesser-animal baggage that comes with it."

"Game talk" employes the same sort of anti-logical reasoning that Freudianism, Marxism and Darwinism are built upon, such that everything and its opposite are made out to be "proof" of the thesis.

Ilíon said...

Cane Caldo: "What I appreciate about Roissy is his pure--concentrated--explanation of exploitation. In the same way I appreciate Nietzsche, who was the last great thinker about the implications of a Godless world."

I said that "Game" is bullshit -- I didn't say that every, single, individual facet of it is false. So, Roissy can explain how to exploit-in-turn women who think to use their sexuality to exploit men (in truth, they're not not women, they're immature girls in the bodies of women)?

Big deal. A man who hasn't figured out by the time he's technically an adult how to not be lead around by his dick isn't yet a man; just as the women who seek to exploit that (immature) male weakness aren't yet women.

Does "Game" teach a man how to not be lead around by his dick? No, it doesn't. "Game" reduces both men abd women to nothing more than engorged genitals.

Does "Game" teach a man anything about the one thing he most wants -- to increasingly love the woman who increasingly loves him? Pace Mr Athol, it does not; it does the opposite.

As a dishonest fool (that's a redundancy, by the way) who shills for "Game" said to me recently on Haley's blog: "Clearly you don’t understand the importance of cruelty and indifference in an LTR."

HOW, pray tell, can a "philosophy" or mindset which teaches or inculcates the belief that cruelty and indifference are *important* in a "LTR" teach a man anything true-and-useful about love, in general, or about loving his own woman, in particular?

Ilíon said...

"The reason Game works is that it is a pale, corrupted reflection of the truth." -- 'Vox Day'

And yet, he wastes time and effort analyzing human beings in terms of something he consciously knows to be false. Meanwhile [certain posters in Haley’s blog] refuse to see that “Game” is false, and react irrationally to attempts to help [them] see/understand that it is false.

I wonder, now that ‘Vox Day’ has explicitly stated that “Game” is false, how will the kiddies react to that? Maybe one of [them] can discount what he has said as due to his “being on the rag” when he wrote that post.