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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Perhaps because he whines like a dog

Alleged-President Obama has recently whined (pun fully intended) that "They talk about me like a dog."

In response, an amusing comment on 'Small Dead Animals' was that "He could end all of this if he'd just show us his dog licence."

(Another round of comments on 'Small Dead Animals' here.)

The context of the comments is alleged-President Obama's whine that "... And over the past two years, that’s meant taking on some powerful interests. Some powerful interests that have been setting the agenda in Washington for a long time, and they’re not always happy with me. They talk about me like a dog. That’s not in my prepared remarks, but it’s true."

More here.

Even aside from the fact that none of us really know that The Won meets the (very simple) Constitutional requirements to hold the presidency -- and thus none of us really know that we have a legitimate President -- this petulant child-man never can *be* a president, because he's not a man, he's not an adult.

This pathetic poseur is falsely accusing his opponents, who tend to be on the conservative spectrum, of treating him the way he (and his ilk) treated Bush (who wasn't even a conservative), and have treated anyone in public life who is opposed the "liberal" agenda to "radically transform America."

Can you imagine G.W.Bush, whom the "liberals" *did* (and do) "talk about [as though he were] a dog," acting-out like this in public? Can you imagine Ronald Reagan, whom the "liberals" hated, with that special passion to which only that can aspire, when he was alive, acting-out like this in public?

Hell, can you imagine even Richard Nixon acting-out like this in public?

So, we have here not just a petulant child, but an intellectually dishonest petulant child.


James Nicholas said...

It was a bizarre, unpresidential, perfectly Democrat kind of thing to do.

Funny post.

Ilíon said...

You know the old saying: "Stay classy, libs."