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Monday, October 8, 2018

#MeToo and the so-called "complexity" of women

Letters to Hannah: #MeToo and the so-called "complexity" of women

When a woman is "complex" it's because she can't [i.e. "won't"] make a decision. She allows her mind to be clouded with alternate proposals, unsolved problems and the-best-of-both-worlds dreaming; and, incapable of resolving herself to the best real-world possibility, consigns herself to a world of constant frustration -- a state of irrational paralysis which they then call "complexity." ("Does this dress make me look fat?") The man weighs all and picks some. A crazy woman weighs all, gets some, and then wonders why she can't have the rest. She's complex because she hasn't thought it all out. The options she whines about are the ones she forgot [i.e. "refused"] to cross off [as being incompatible with the choice she did make].

This theory, I think, is the best explanation for feminism. That women want to look competitive -- but need quotas to compete with men. That they want to have careers -- and also raise children. That they want to flaunt their sexuality -- but can't handle objectification. That they want to look strong -- but need special defense against rape. That they all want to be sexy -- but can't handle standards on sexiness. That they can't make decisions when drinking -- but should still be allowed to buy drinks. That they need paid maternal leave -- but that everyone should consider them equally efficient. That a woman is trustworthy -- but that contracts and judges and juries are necessary to protect women from the mendacity of women. Each pair of interests proving, on some level, that no matter how many times you tell a child you can't have your cake and eat it too, some of them are too stupid to believe it.
Of course, women are irrational as described above because *men* act as "enablers" for their irrationality. It's not that women are innately more irrational than men; it's that until their irrationality gets to epic proportions, such as, I don't know, murdering their own children, there is always some damned man running interference, making excuses, blaming other men, and so on. And, of course, these days, not even murdering their own children is epic enough irrationality that there won't be some God-damned man making excuses, and blaming other men for her sin and crime ... when, in fact, is is he and his ilk who have taught her that there are never to be any consequences to anything that she does.