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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Defective tranny

a comment/joke on Vox Popoli


K T Cat said...


Ilíon said...

I laughed and laughed (possibly because my sister always says "tranny" where I say "transmission").

Nate Winchester said...

That one did take me a minute since I hadn't heard "transmission" shortened very much.

Side note, tell me you had a good laugh at this:

Based on my personal interactions with him, Dr. Sowell is neither as smart nor is he as intellectually honest as most conservatives wish to believe.

Ilíon said...

Yeah, I saw that. He'd said essentially the same thing a few weeks ago; I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

You have to wonder about the intellect of his followers -- VD is someone who:
1) has for all intents renounced his membership in the American nation;
2) identifies himself (apparently for rhetorical purposes when tweaking the beaks of SJW) as a Mexican
3) identifies himself (apparently for rhetorical purposes when tweaking the beaks of SJW) as an (American) Indian

Now, by the sort of "reasoning" that he and his followers like to employ, how can someone who not only has not lived in America for decades, but doesn't anymore even consider himself to be an American, and who self-identifies both as non-white and as a Mexican have anything meaningful to say to Americans, much less to white Americans, about the situation in which they find themselves.

Moreover, because DNA! How can a Mexican + Indian have anything meaningful to say about building or maintaining a civilization?