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Monday, October 18, 2010

The thing about dishonesty

The thing about dishonesty (and what I have in mind specifically is intellectual dishonesty) is that it cannot be segregated to one little aspect of one's life; it is the nature of dishonesty to spread and take over all it touches.

This is another post about the silliness (and foolish wickedness) called 'Game;' though, it's more indirectly about that. What this post is directly about is illustrating for Gentle Reader how the conscious disinclination to reason correctly and rigorously about the things we *want* to believe to be true must inevitably lead us into outright lying about things which anyone see are otherwise.

The blogger who goes by 'Aunt Haley' posted something earlier today which sounds very reasonable ... until one knows that back-story. Here is that post:
I’m tired of reading comments where posters are calling each other names like idiot, sweetheart, moron, bitch, or any of that ilk.

From now on, I’m just going to start deleting comments with name-calling insults. It’s ridiculous that grown men can’t get through a discussion without puerile mudslinging. If you want to play the neener-neener game and call each other names, take it off the blog.

Here is what I said to her in response:
Will you now?

Aren’t you at all curious as to what’s going on in your own mind?

What I mean is this — these … what was the phrase, again? … “grown men” … have been directing that sort of thing at me for days, and you only just now, after I have mildly (but effectively, and humorously) turned a couple of the intended insults back upon their owners, appear to disapprove of their behavior. AND then, to make matters worse (from my point of view), you “even-handedly” seek to lump my mild (and humorous!), and much delayed, responses in with their provocations.

Really: would you *ever* have written this post had I not finally turned some of those provocations back upon their owners? To be more blunt, had I not, with a few simple-and-non-obscene words, turned what was intended to be a group-effort mockery of me into unanswerable ridicule of the original poster, would you have said *anything* at all?
Partly, I wrote this because I am *very* well acquainted with this sort of dishonest "even-handedness."

Even one of her fellow 'Game' proponents (*) appears to get the point I was making about "even-handedness:" "It’s a well-known fact of the schoolyard that it’s the reprisal punch that gets punished."

(*) Yes, I know he has claimed in a comment on this this blog that he is not an advocate of it (even as he was defending it), but his behavior when with the gang says otherwise.

Here is Haley's dishonest response to what I said to her about her "even-handedness:"
Ilion, when you post nine replies in a row and start sounding emotionally hysterical, which you did the other day, I have little compunction about nipping that kind of behavior in the bud when it starts to cross over into schoolyard insults.

Cool down and write like a grown-up, and others will treat you like a grown-up.
Don't you just love passive-aggression? I know I do!

And, lastly, here is the back-story -- in which (unless she's the sort of person who is going to delete the evidence, now that I've written this post) anyone can see that she has seriously misrepresented both me and her gang of fellow adherents of 'Game.'

Should one choose to wade through all the comments in that last thread, one will not find me initiating "schoolyard insults" -- though, one will find me eventually responding to some of the "schoolyard insults" that had been directed my way ... and really, my responses were several grades above "schoolyard." I'd almost take insult at having my insults characterized as "schoolyard insults," except that I've already conclued that Miss Haley suffers a severe lack of discernment.

Goodness! As far as I can tell she cannot even see what is "off" about this odd statement someone made on her blog not too long ago: "Ultimately, if I were seeking advice, I would look for empirically based observations given by someone with a discerning spirit of wisdom. Like Citizen Renegade."

Nor will one find me "sounding emotionally hysterical" -- but one *will* see some of Miss Haley's fellow 'Game' proponents "sounding emotionally hysterical" (apparently because I'm presenting them arguments to establish its falsehood and/or lack of worth); and one will see a 'Game' proponent (whom I do not hesitate to judge as a quite wicked man, and whom I suspect was a bully when he was chronologically young enough for the schoolyard) seeking to goad me into "sounding emotionally hysterical" (as though he could!) and one will see that person repeatedly waving his hands to dismiss what I'd been saying as "sounding emotionally hysterical."

Shesh! Can't she even come up with her own false tropes?

Edit: In response to Miss Haley's dishonest characterization of the interaction between me and her fellow advocates of 'Game,' I said to her: " You’re dishonest, aren’t you?" (and, if you know/understand me, you realize that that was me being "nice" or non-blunt).

And her response was: " I’m not, and your further comments are going in moderation for the time being." (My point here is not that denies being dishonest.)

There are reasons, Gentle Reader, that men sometimes refer to some women as 'bitches.' And this sort of passive-aggressive dishonesty is a prime example.


Crude said...

Do you have a post written up where you explain exactly what you dislike about 'Game'? I'd like to properly get a handle on your full array of criticisms regarding it.

Ilíon said...

"Do you have a post written up where you explain exactly what you dislike about 'Game'?"

Exactly? As you seem to be asking the question, no; the nearest to what you seem to be asking for would be the Random thoughts on 'Game' post (and including the comments).

The main thing ... by which I mean that most of the specifics I might detail would be elaborations upon, or examples of, this point ... is that it is built upon a false anthropology, it is built upon a "theory of mankind" which is not only inadequate, but false: it misrepresents human nature (in general), and the natures of men-as-men and women-as-women (in particular).

Now, "Game" purports to be telling us something true about women and men (and human beings); that's its main support/justification for the statements which come out of it. But, if the foundation (of any system) is corrupt, then its fruits must necessarily be corrupt.

Consider the commenter 'Cane Caldo,' who on my blog acknowledges that "evolutionary psychology" (whence comes "Game's" anthropology) is a modern equivalent to phrenology, and who says he dislikes the "Alpha/Beta jargon," and who insists that he's not a "Game" devotee ... and whose behavior on Miss Haley's blog seems to say otherwise (for his snide comments really only make sense on the understanding that he is making them *because* I dare say "Game" is false), and whose post on my blog reads to me as that of a man trying to defend two opposing theses: 1) that "Game" is false, that its foundation is false; and, 2) that "Game" tells us something true about human beings.

Shoot, even 'Vox Day' agrees that "Game" is false: "The reason Game works is that it is a pale, corrupted reflection of the truth." -- I don't presume to know precisely what he had in mind when he wrote that ... especially as he then goes on risibly to attempt to tie "Game" into one of the Apostle Paul's themes. My only point here is that he knows that "Game" is both inadequate and seriously false.

Then, "Game" purports to be about helping men to learn to become/make themselves more mature men. But, in fact, it's all about the complete oposite; it's about reinforcing immature men in their immaturity; it's about helping immature men learn to use the immaturity of immature women to manipulate them -- it's about further reinforcing (with the promise of more, and more varied, sexual activity) the social conditioning of "men" who have been reared up to be male versions of high-school girls.

Ilíon said...

Then, there's the (ahem) "good" side of "Game," as advocated by Mr Athol (who commented in the other thread), and sometimes by 'Vox Day' -- which purports to help men learn to improve and strengthen their relationships with their wives. But, a healthy marital relationship, and certainly a Christain marital relationship, cannot be based upon manipulation ... nor disrespect/scorn. But, the method/means of "Game" is manipulation, and its fruit must necessarily be disrespect and scorn.

One does not seek to manipulate whom one respects. One cannot respect whom one manipulates. One cannot love whom one does not respect.

Check out some of the comments in the 'backstory' thread on Miss Haley's blog. These misguided men aren't seeking to improve their marriages, they're seeking techniques which they hope/believe will better enable them to control their wives. For instance: "I suspect that ignoring the woman for a while works because it is what players call a DHV [displaying higher value]. Being a woman, she will eventually come to you, physically or emotionally. She will break the silence, or join you in the room you have gone to.

The subordinate goes to the boss. She waits on him. She attends him. The submissive woman likewise goes to her husband. She makes a play for his attention. A good trick with a wife is to make her repeat a question. Make her work for your attention. Message: your time and attention is more valuable than hers.

If the woman wants closeness and affection and attention more than the man (and she typically does), the husband potentially has the upper hand.

There are others, in similar vein, either advising that a man needs to "have the upper hand," or regretting that they hadn't had the upper hand, or wondering how to get and keep the upper hand.

Or, for a less obvious (yet even more serious) example, consider the total misunderstanding of Christian teaching expressed here: "Uh, [the reason a happily married man might turn to "Game" is] because although he is happy & content his wife is expressing that she is not happy, and the usual “christian” relationship teachings that call for even more obsequious behavior seem to be having the opposite effect…?"

Well, at least he was kind enough to put "christian" in quote marks.

Now, of course, "Game" didn't create these attitudes; but it does reinforce them and (purports to) offer justification for them.

Men (and women) are sinners -- and no system which fails to acknowledge and understand that can consistently generate true statements about human beings. Men don't *desire* to love their wives as Christ loves the church (which is to say, sacrificially), any more than women *desire* to submit to their husbands. Though, I will go out on a limb and say that women seem, in general, to fight this dual command even more obstinantly than men tend to do. Anyway, even the "good" side of "Game" is about avoiding loving one's wife sacrificially to instead "get the upper hand."

Crude said...

Then, "Game" purports to be about helping men to learn to become/make themselves more mature men. But, in fact, it's all about the complete oposite; it's about reinforcing immature men in their immaturity; it's about helping immature men learn to use the immaturity of immature women to manipulate them -- it's about further reinforcing (with the promise of more, and more varied, sexual activity) the social conditioning of "men" who have been reared up to be male versions of high-school girls.

Can you tell me how? As ever, I'm not setting you up for some idiotic debating trick or the like. But I really want to know your thoughts on this.

I strongly get the feeling here that what you object to, at least in large part, is the whole idea of "alpha males" and the advice relating to behaving like or actually being an "alpha male". Maybe I'm wrong about that.

I mean, you certainly have little patience for limp-wristed guys who don't say what they mean or who are more concerned about being polite and not hurting anyone's feelings.

Ilíon said...

"Can you tell me how? As ever, I'm not setting you up for some idiotic debating trick or the like. But I really want to know your thoughts on this."

Crude, I've already written a number of lengthy posts in response to such open-ended questons. Ask a specific question.

"I mean, you certainly have little patience for limp-wristed guys who don't say what they mean or who are more concerned about being polite and not hurting anyone's feelings."

I have no patience for hypocrisy, and "nice" people are moral and intellectual hypocrites -- it isn't that "nice" people suppress expressing their own opinions out of deference to others' feelings, it's that "nice" people try to suppress and repress *my* opinions because someone did or may claim that his feelings were hurt by the expression of them.