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Friday, March 14, 2025

Won't Someone Please Think of the ... Bees?

The Earth's magnetic field is decreasing exponentially, as shown by measurements going back 150 years or more. If I recall correctly, at the measured rate of decay, Earth will have no magnetic field at all in another 2000 years. Which would be very bad news indeed for all living things on Earth.

However, according to Standard (i.e. Uniformitarian) Science the Earth's magnetic field has reversed polarity -- that is, the magnetic field had collapsed or vanished and then reestablished itself but with opposite polarity to the previous -- many times over many millions of years. If this is so, then bees. and all other species which rely upon the magnetic field for navigation, have lived through magnetic "irregularities" many times in their histories.
So, it would seem that -- according to 'Science!' (*) -- there is really nothing to be concerned about: the bees have been through far worse than this article discusses.
But, I have long wondered -- what if 'Science!' is wrong? What if we are not living through a periodic Magnetic Pole Reversal? What if:
1) Earth is simply "winding down", as it was never intended to go on and on for millions of years?
2) Earth isn't "winding down", but rather, we ourselves are accidentally *causing* the measured weakening of the magnetic field due to generation and transmission of electricity?

Also, what if 'Science!' is right, and we *are* going into a period of Magnetic Pole Reversal? Do you *really* think that our electronics-dependent civilization can survive that? A collapse of the magnetic field would wreak world-wide havoc, and at least many millions would die in the immediate aftermath. If the planet were without a magnetic field for any length of time, billions would die.

But now, ask yourself this: Why do the Climate Cultists hypocritically fixate on ever-more disastrous, yet even-more future-offset, "predictions" of Coming Catastrophe Just Around The Corner, and yet totally ignore something that *can* be measured and which *will* be world-wide catastrophe should it happen? The answer is obvious -- they can't see how either to monetize this looming disaster or to use it as an excuse to arrogate to themselves the power of life and death over other people's lives.

(*) 'Science!' is how I refer to scientism, or worship of "science" and scientists