According to the CDC (see link below), before the US chickenpox vaccination program started in 1995, there were:
4,000,000 cases annually;
50 to 150 deaths annually, with half being children;
So, if we use the high number (as they want us to fixate on), that is 1 death per @ 26,666 cases (i.e. 4M / 150)
In contrast, since widespread use of the chickenpox vaccine, there have been:
"fewer than 150,000" cases annually;
"fewer than 30" deaths annually;
That is, that is 1 death per @ 5,000 cases (i.e. 150K / 30)
Now, for persons who might have been among the 20-120 "extra" deaths per year without the vaccine, that's certainly good news. However, as a *percentage* of cases, the death-toll is far worse since the vaccine roll-out.
And that's not counting whatever damage that the vaccine may do to the developing bodies and brains of very small children ... and which damage they most certainly hide from us.
This is ONE MORE EXAMPLE of why vaccine mandates are EVIL and sinful/immoral: leave the decision to vaxx or not in the hands of the parents, and give them *real* information so they can make informed decisions.
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