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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Trump ... and His Ego

Look, I despise this corrupt little Ukrainian Ogre more than I can express. But, Trump is wrong here (@ 3:20 mark in the first video) -- and the foolish Americans who are cheering Trump's behavior and/or accusing the little Ogre of threatening the US are ... well, fools (*).

Also, it's *really* rich of Trump ("This war would never have started had I been in office") to say to the Ogrette, "You don't know that". Hell! Anyone who knows anything about human beings "knows that".

The Buy-den maladministration *intentionally* gave Ukraine just enough military aid to drag out the war -- and to open up the sluice-gates of graft and corruption -- but not enough to win it. But now, rather than cleaning up the graft and corruption, and giving Ukraine the necessary aid, the Trump administration has decided to ratify the Putin regime's aggression ... and the end of the "post-war world order". The future is going to be bloody and ugly.

Maybe it already is too late for Ukraine ... but that case hasn't been made.

On the one hand, Trump is just doing what the fickle/bored American populace wants him to do. On the other, he *claims* to be a leader.

But, we all will pay a price for it, just as the Orge was trying to warn.

When the bill for this farce comes due, not one of the fools now cheering and laughing at Zelensky's humiliation is going to admit his own culpability in the horror then unleashed on us.

(*) 'fool' doesn't mean 'stupid', it means to behave *as though* one were stupid.  To call someone a 'fool' is to make a moral judgement about that person


EDIT: Here is a comment I saw elsewhere; I can agree with this --

"Zelensky essentially tried to guilt-trip Trump into taking the blame for what Obama and Biden did (or didn't do) in the past. Imagine trying to negotiate with this kind of attitude. Trump and Vance were having none of it."

DeVoryDarkins: Zelenskyy KICKED OUT of the White House after shouting match erupts

History Debumked: Why President Trump is determined to abandon Ukraine, and even withdraw from NATO

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