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Friday, March 4, 2016

Thinking with your "little head"

Gavin McInnes: Rescuing America From Itself --
Last week, Kurdish authorities rescued 16-year-old Marlin Stivani Nivarlain at the behest of the Swedish government. Like something out of an SNL sketch, she had emigrated to northern Iraq because her boyfriend joined ISIS and she thought it would be fun. ...
Why do you think it is that people are able to recognize when a man is "thinking with his little head" -- and not only laugh at his foolishness, but take pleasure at laughing at his foolishness -- but that to notice, much less openly state, that women do it too is to commit a major thoughtcrime?

Why is it that women get a free pass on endangering not only their own lives, but the lives of countless others, with their foolishness?

Why is it that you go along without demur with the claim that a woman "can take care of herself" -- and, in fact, should anyone scoff at the claim, you will attack him as viciously as any feminist or other leftist would -- but as soon the inevitable happens, you demand that some man, who doesn't even know that "strong, independent woman", must put is life at risk to save her from the easily foreseen consequences of her own deliberate folly?

Why is it that, having learned nothing, you dance this dance again?

Why is it that now that the leftists who rule us are openly admitting their goal of putting women into combat, the strongest response you can come up with is to sputter, "Well, they'd better not think about drafting *my* daughter!"

Why is it that if I were to say, as in fact I do say, "Even if it is her heartfelt and lifelong desire, your daughter does not belong in the military forces -- or in the police or fire forces -- at all" you will attack me as viciously as any feminist would?

Why is it that manly virtues are now denigrated as crimes, but womanly vices are now elevated to the mandatory?

Why are you *offended* at the questions I have asked?


planks length said...

The reason we instinctively recoil at the thought of women infantrymen (infantrypersons?), firemen, etc., is that when a male risks his life and limb in such endeavors, all he risks is himself. But a woman risks not only her own body, but that of her progeny.

That is why the mark of any civilized society will forever be "Women and Children first!"

Nate Winchester said...

^Well, "Women and children first" - until the women start thinking they have no responsibilities and start deliberately (or just stupidly) setting their houses on fire or sinking boats because they know they can get out of it (to stretch a metaphor).

I was watching the economics lesson about Bootleggers & Baptists and it makes me think that there might be something similar going on with social conservatives and feminists. Still mulling it over...

Ilíon said...

"That is why the mark of any civilized society will forever be "Women and Children first!""

The first requirement of a civilized society is patriarchy -- the "Women and Children first!" you have in mind is derivative of patriarchy.

Ilíon said...

"I was watching the economics lesson about Bootleggers & Baptists and it makes me think that there might be something similar going on with social conservatives and feminists."

"Family law" would be a good example. In the long run, current "family law" works against the interests of families and of society as a whole, and it certainly works against the social outcomes that social conservatives want. However, because social conservatives continue to buy into the long-standing leftist/feminist lie that "all men are dogs just looking for the opportunity to abandon their children" (*), and because social conservatives continue to buy into the Victorian lie that women are morally perfenct beings who tame and civilize men (**), social conservatives continue to support feminist-inspired laws and policies which were *designed* to destroy the institution of marriage and of the family.

The social conservatives imagine that they are "punishing those bad men who won't take up their manly duties of supporting their families", but what they're really doing is helping the feminists and other leftists train young men to view marriage as a bad deal for themselves.

(*) social conservatives add the proviso, "except me"

(**) whereas the truth is that it is *men* who tame and civilize both sexes

planks length said...

"Women and Children first!"

I was speaking quite specifically of who gets saved when your ship is sinking (or any similar circumstance).

Ilíon said...

And so was I.