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Saturday, October 24, 2015

In Defense of Christendom

Bret Stephens at WSJ: In Defense of Christendom

h/t: Edgestow


B. Prokop said...

As someone who's lived in Europe for nearly 10 years, I mourn its passing. I fail completely to understand how an entire continent can just lie back and allow what is essentially and demonstrably an Islamic invasion conquer it.

This is the civilization that once had the balls to defeat the Moslem hordes at Tours (AD 732), launch the Crusades (1095), liberate Iberia from the Moors (718-1492), beat back the Turks at Lepanto (1571) and Vienna (1683), and drive the Ottomans out of (most of) Europe (1566-1913).

I fear this latest invasion (a.k.a., "migration") will succeed where past Moslem attempts to overrun Europe have failed.

Ilíon said...

"I fail completely to understand how an entire continent can just lie back and allow what is essentially and demonstrably an Islamic invasion conquer it."

As Mr Stephens put it: the Europeans believe shallow things, shallowly.

Even in trying to understand why one person does (or doesn't do) one thing, there is rarely simply one motivating factor. And, of course, in trying to understand what is happening in Europe with respect to the current phase of the 1400 year-long jihad to destroy Christendom, we're talking about millions of people acting and not acting.

But, in general, the jihad seems to be succeeding now because the leftists have succeeded in their Gramscian "long march through the institutions" – the left has long realized that they can’t even begin to build their imagined Eutopia (spelling intentional) unless they first destroy all that currently is; and leftists have always been willing to destroy what is, no matter how many human souls they have to murder to do it.

Making room to build Eutopia requires destroying Western Civilization; and destroying Western Civilization requires separating the human beings who comprise the cultures and societies of Western Civilization from the source and well-spring of their cultures and of the over-all civilization, which is Christianity.

So, in summary, the current phase of the jihad seems to be succeeding because the present-day rulers of the European peoples desire it to succeed: they foolishly imagine that they can harness the jihad and ride it only so far as they want it to go.

Ilíon said...

It seems to me that it has generally been treachery by our elites/rulers that has given the jihad its successes against Christendom. For instance: Manzikert in 1071.

B. Prokop said...

Here is an article that you'll love, Ilion. It says that the Left is losing its grip even in France.

Ilíon said...

What?! Am I expected to give credence to "news reports" obtained "via ideologically-filtered media, i.e., an alternate (un)reality"? And Catholic ones, to boot? ;)

Next thing, you'll be trying to tell me that hundreds of thousands of French men and women marched in Paris protesting the leftist imposition of same-sex "marriage" upon that nation and the continuing indoctrination of their children, via the public indoctrination centers, into the "gay" "lifestyle".

There is only so much that a man can credit!

B. Prokop said...

The events in Paris, ongoing as I write this, are the direct result of allowing hundreds of thousands of potential terrorists into Europe with no screening whatsoever. I hope those idiots who greeted them with flowers and lunchboxes are happy now.

Ilíon said...

The problem isn't that there are so many "potential terrorists" admitted into France; the problem is that there were any Moslems admitted into France (and into Europe in general).

Islam is not compatible with liberal (in the correct, older use of the word) civilization, and where there are Moslems, there is Islam.

Ilíon said...

"I hope those idiots who greeted them with flowers and lunchboxes are happy now."

I hope that the crudé minded individual doesn't read you having written that. His intellectual consistency will compel him to denounce you as being "shitty" and having a "poison personality"

B. Prokop said...

If you want to be sickened, just watch THIS - exactly how not to respond to the Mohammedan atrocities.

If this is what the reaction to the Friday the 13th assault on Christendom is going to be, then "Farewell, Europa!"

Ilíon said...

Enervated passivity is the approved response. It can't hurt to remind the plebs that weepy candle-light vigils will be allowed, but that asking "Why are we importing Moslems into our country?" will not be tolerated.