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Friday, July 11, 2014

Global Warm-mongers vs a *real* Looming Apocalypse (tm)

The *only* reason that the general public is constantly urged/commanded to freak-out over the pseudo-Apocalypse of global cooling global warming global stasis climate change, whereas very few are even aware of this *real* Looming Apocalypse (tm), is that:
* leftists haven't figured out how to use it as an excuse to shrink the citizen and grow The State;
* "liberals" haven't figured out how to use it as a means to line their pockets at the public's expense while using it as an excuse to shrink the citizen and grow The State.

Earth's Magnetic Field Is Weakening 10 Times Faster Now -- "... data from Swarm [a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite array] have shown the [Earth's magnetic] field is starting to weaken faster than in the past. Previously, researchers estimated the field was weakening about 5 percent per century, but the new data revealed the field is actually weakening at 5 percent per decade, or 10 times faster than thought."