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Thursday, March 22, 2012

There is no 'communication' ...

... where there is no 'listening'. And there is neither 'communication' nor 'listening' where there is no intellectual honesty.

And, in fact, trying to 'communicate' with one who is not listening -- including not listening to what he himself has said -- only brings to the fore some degree of intellectual dishonesty and then sets it in stone. On this last, it's just simple psychology: once a person asserts a thing, even a thing he knows to be false (*), he tends to intransigently dig in his heels on the matter, especially if the other person tries to get him to simply admit the truth.

Once that happens, and depending on what one wishes to accomplish, it may be better to drop the matter (or even all matters) until he has come, of his own volition, to his intellectual senses.

(*) for example:
Person A: ""Communication" implies intellectual honesty."

Person B: "Believe it or not, it doesn't."


Crude said...

On this last, it's just simple psychology: once a person asserts a thing, even a thing he knows to be false (*), he tends to intransigently dig in his heels on the matter, especially if the other person tries to get him to simply admit the truth.

You suggested that calling someone a prostitute is a kind of compliment. You're not thinking clearly, and it shows. I'm not attributing your error to "basic psychology", but to flat-out ignorance.

And no, "communication" does not imply intellectual honesty. Show me the intellectual honesty in "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", or lacking that, show me how it fails to be communication. Multiply that example a thousand times over for a variety of acts that convey feeling, or provoke a reflex, or otherwise.

As for psychoanalyzing me, I could respond in kind and do a damn better job in my reply. I'll hold off, in the hopes you realize you're being something of a dickhead here, with little warrant. If you disagree with me, address my points - spare me the psychoanalysis card game and the "Let me respond to Crude without actually responding to Crude directly and pretend I'm lecturing a full auditorium, when it's just Drew and maybe three other guys". ;)