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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Darwinists' Blind Spot

Over at the 'Uncommon Descent' blog, '' has posted an article concerning the continued flogging by the 'modern evolutionary theorists' (aka Darwinists) of that favorite Dead Horse of theirs: "The vertebrate eye is wired 'backwards' ... therefore it isn't designed!" ( see The Blind Leading the Blind )

I wish to share with Gentle Reader a comment he made within the comments-section and my comment upon the comment.

'' said:
Blind spots are never detected unless one eye is blacked out and even then the blind spot is “filled in” by the brain’s software.

The blind spot is not in the macula (the high visual acuity part of the retina) so where one is actually looking at something, there is no blind spot.

The only blind spot here is in the eyes of the Darwinists who keep insisting that they were right when they made claims based on their own flawed common sense. When they are proven wrong, they still refuse to see design in the eye.

Claiming that they could design the eye better, without backing it up experimentally, makes them look even more lame and pathetic.

My response:
Indeed. It is as though one were to point to the fact that if one were to cut off a man’s right arm, he can no longer write a letter (at any rate, not until he develops fine motor control over his left hand), or that if one cuts off a man’s leg, he can no longer run a race, as evidence of “bad design.”
As '' rightly points out:
1) the (in)famous "Blind Spot" resulting from the allegedly backwards wiring of the vertebrate eye is *not* in the field-of-focus of vision, but is rather in the peripheral field of vision. That is, it is in the portion of the field of vision where one cannot really see detail in any event ... when one looks at a thing, the blind-spot has no bearing with respect to what one is focused upon.
2) the blind-spot of one eye is compensated for by the peripheral field of vision of the other eye. Thus, in almost all cases (with two properly working eyes), there *is* no blind-spot at all in one's field of vision.

It's not as though these are previously unknown facts; yet the 'modern evolutionary theorists' continue to mercilessly flog that poor Dead Horse.

But, also read the full post at UD -- the article discusses a Darwinistic/materialistic admission that "... the strange, “backwards” structure of the vertebrate retina actually improves vision" ... which, being so opposite to the Dead Horse they've been flogging all these years, is *still* evidence that "Evolution Done It!"

Truely, "With "Evolution," all things are possible!"

This "Blind Spot" Dead Horse is on an intellectual par (and as intellectually dishonest) as a classroom exchange in the recent episode of the program 'FlashForward" (while this link is still valid, see from the 26:00 mark)

In this scene, the instructor tells his class of highschool students: "You can do what you will, but, at any given moment of your life, you can will only one definite thing; nothing other than that thing. What do you guys think that means?"

And a girl who has obviously been paying attention all semester answers, "That ... free-will is a lie?"

And he answers, "Exactly."

Examine the "reasoning" here -- that you are free to will either 'A' or 'B,' but not 'A' and 'B' simultaneously is "proof" that you never were free to will either 'A' or 'B' in the first place!

It's logically impossible -- which means it's utterly impossible -- to reason with persons who "reason" with such "logic." And that is why it's impossible to have a rational and civil converstaion with most Darwinists (or 'atheists' or "liberals") on any point of disagreement between their worldview and yours -- most members of the three groups "reason" using the same mode of anti-logic as the highschool instructor is using.


MathewK said...

Most of that flew right over my peasant head, but i get that one is wasting ones time arguing with liberals. That much i know from experience.