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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How do you celebrate the first anniversary of the Second Coming?

Charles Krauthammer: The Age of Obama: Anno Domini 2

Yet the failure of these universalist institutions and paper agreements seems to leave no lasting impression. Did we learn nothing from the Kellogg- Briand Pact, whose signatories included Germany and Japan, that abolished war forever--an absurdity that won U.S. Secretary of State Frank Kellogg the 1929 Nobel Peace Prize?

Sound familiar? But at least Kellogg got it for an actually signed useless treaty. Obama got his Nobel for merely imagined useless treaties, most notably the one Obama has been insisting on from Prague to Turtle Bay on universal nuclear disarmament.


Gentle Reader will surely wish to read it all.


MathewK said...

It's like the world has gone mad, just feeling something gets you a prize, but only if you're not a conservative mind you.

Ilíon said...

President Obama honors Navy 'Corpse-Man'

Can you imagine the guffaws and mockery there would be in what passes for the news had Bush said this?

Yessiree Bob! That "Reader of the Free World" is somethin' else.