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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Mark Steyn - Dependence Day

I well understand that those who have drunk the Leftist Kool-Aid cannot be swayed by facts, or reason, or experience, or by anything. But, just perhaps those who haven't yet drunk the Kool-Aid may be persuaded to put down the glass --

Mark Steyn: Dependence Day


MathewK said...

Read the whole thing the other day and i can tell you, from living in a country that has socialized health, he is 100% right.

I've been thinking a lot about it for a long time and i figured out some of the things he mentioned a while ago, it's there for those who allow themselves to see it.

Take on socialized health and that is it, it's the beginning of the end, your freedom and liberty will be pissed away down the toilet, and you'll never easily get it back.

Ilíon said...

I think Steyn make a very good case that once a nation accepts the premises behind socialized medicine, it is, as the saying goes, "all over but the shouting."