Someone whom I have known for most of my life sent me a video clip of an advertisement for the leftist mockumentary "God and Country" with the assessment "ominous". Below is my response; pray that it reaches his heart.
I watched the clip, and my previous response was based on only what I heard the commie pretending to be a Christian say. However, I had no idea what you thought is "ominous".
I watched the clip, and my previous response was based on only what I heard the commie pretending to be a Christian say. However, I had no idea what you thought is "ominous".
But, after googling "God and Country", I think I understand -- you watch too much MSDNC, and they have you in a tizzy over something they are calling "Christian Nationalism" (*). To put it another way, they have you in a tizzy over ... me.
If you'd care to *learn* something about what "Christian Nationalists" *really* say and aim for, might I suggest paying attention to Douglas Wilson. He's a Calvinist and a pedobaptist, both of which I believe to be erroneous, but other than that, he's sound.
"Blog & Mablog" is him reading the text of posts he writes for his "old-fashioned" written blog (also called "Blog and Mablog") -- YouTube search "Blog and Mablog"
"Cannon Press" is more a podcast, with guests and so forth -- Cannon Press (YouTube)
Also, Voddie Baucham is in the "Christian Nationalism" orbit -- Voddie Baucham SPEAKS UP About Trump, Wokeism, Growing Up Fatherless
(*) As best I understand it, it was the leftists/atheists who came up with the term "Christian Nationalism" -- both of which are boo-words to commies, and so doubly scary when paired -- and the people whom they were seeking to smear thereby decided that one name is as good as another, and so adopted it.
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