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Thursday, January 18, 2024

When Is a Joke Not a Joke?

 When the joke highlights the hypocrisy of Democrats and other leftists, obviously.

The other day,'The Babylon Bee' put up a piece with the headline, "Trump Promises Vivek An Administration Position Running The White House 7-Eleven"

1) 'The Babylon Bee's' joke *is* funny, it's very funny;
2) The joke isn't *about* Ramaswamy; it's a multi-layered joke (which is why it's so funny) *about* the Democratic Party's inherent racism and hypocrisy about both race and Trump;
2a) Recall, it was Joe Buy-den who said: "you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent."
3) Had it been 'The Onion' -- a leftie satire site -- or the writers for Steven Colbert or Jimmy Kimmel who had been witty enough to make this joke, no one would be complaining about it, because everyone would understand it to be a one-dimensional "joke" accusing Trump of being a racist;
4) Those "conservative" who are offended by the joke have thereby outed themselves as not really conservatives, for they are operating under the false and hypocritical premises of the Democrats and other leftists.

Matt Walsh: The Babylon Bee Made A Vivek Ramaswamy Joke. It Didn't Go Well.

Matt Walsh laughing about being the subject of a BB joke: Babylon Bee Trolls Matt Walsh Before Easter Weekend

EDIT: Here is a comment posted to Tim Pool's video about this pseudo-controversy --

I worked in banking years and years ago. As you entered a new account, you would turn to the customer the screen to choose their profession. I was working with a Indian man, and I turned and it happened to be starting on the list as "Convenient Store Clerk" and he was offended and upset. So he wanted the manager and the manager apologized and said it was random and nothing having to do with him being Indian. So he calmed down and choose "Convenient Store Clerk" as that was his job. lol

Now, *why* was the Indian guy in this anecdote offended? Because he considered being a convenience store clerk to be beneath his dignity ... even though that is exactly what he was.

Had *I* been that man, I'd have found it so hilarious that I'd have been laughing all day.  But then, I don't think that any honest work is beneath me.  Even though I was a well-paid IT professional for most of my adult life, there were times between IT jobs (and, to be blunt, I wasn't actively looking for a new IT job, as I *hate* interviewing) when I have worked menial jobs, such as being a janitor in a steel mill.