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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Never saw that coming

Wintery Knight: Human Rights Campaign co-founder Terry Bean arrested for sex crime with 15-year-old

Look, America: "sex education" is about grooming your children to make them more susceptible to sex-predators. And the 'Human Rights Campaign' is about grooming you to make you more susceptible to the mainstreaming of NAMBLA.


B. Prokop said...


HERE is another instance of "cis" attached to a noun, to mean "not trans". (Remember that article on the women-only coffee shop you linked to?)

I guess the term is more common that I suspected.

K T Cat said...

"grooming your children to make them more susceptible to sex-predators"

Great point.

Ilíon said...

^ Perhaps I should link more often to some of the articles linked by some of the blogs I read concerning parents finding out how their children are being propagandized, and at what young ages, into libertinism in the public indoctrination centers under the rubric "(comprehensive) sex education".

For instance, here is a recent post at The Other McCain: ‘Got Issues? Lube! Lube! Lube!' concerning "sex education" of Chicago fifth graders. But, hey! at least this particular curriculum (reportedly) isn't teaching them how to -- and that they *should* -- engage in anal penetration, whether by penes or fists.

So, perhaps instead of saying merely that "sex education is about grooming your children to make them more susceptible to sex-predators", a more complete statement would be: "sex education is about grooming your children to make them more susceptible to sex-predators ... and about training them to themselves be sex-predators"