Back in October, Victor Reppert posted 'Why Republicans won't repeal Obamacare even if they are elected' (which is just a link to a poorly, and hypocritically (*), reasoned leftist fantasy. But, the point now is a not that fantasy, but rather Victor Reppert's sad decline into leftism.
I said:
Not to worry -- it will be repealed one way or another: either patriotic Americans will repeal it or God himself will repeal it (as an effect of allowing the USA to collapse).VR pretended to reply:
There are numerous countries with far more socialistic forms of health care (such as out and out socialized medicine as we find in Britain, France, Canada, and Cuba). I mean shoot, there isn't even a public option, for crying out loud. Apparently the Almighty has not struck those countries down, for reasons that I am sure are known only to Ilion.Now, as *any* man can clearly see, and as any *honest* man will readily admit, VR grossly misprepesented what I said.
Why would he do something like this?
(*) Consider just this one bit of it -- "1) Romney has no authority to issue waivers." Consider the hubris -- alleged-President Obama issues waivers right and left, but a hypothetical President Romney has no authority to issue waivers to this wholly unConstitutional "law", that Congress has no authority to enact in the first place.
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