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Sunday, June 24, 2012

This is what *real* 'white supremacism' looks like

Lawrence Auster: Pure anti-whiteness-and the racial conservatism that is needed to oppose it -- "... However, on an even deeper though unconscious level, what these quintessentially white-liberal, anti-white videos and billboards are saying is that whites really are superior-inherently superior-to other races, particularly to blacks, in intelligence, in looks, in the fineness of their vibrations, in every way; and since any inequality is unfair, it is unfair to be white. Therefore whites must in perpetuity impose unearned withering moral censure and material disadvantages on themselves, including allowing themselves to be terrorized and murdered by blacks, while bestowing unearned effusive moral approval and material advantages on nonwhites, particularly blacks, in an endless but never successful effort to cancel out the hideous unfairness of being white."

In simpler terms: scratch a "liberal" and you'll generally find a racist; scratch a "liberal" who routinely equates conservatism with racism and you'll nearly always find a virulent racist.

Auster doesn't bring it out here, but these white-"liberal" post-modernist leftists are asserting a set of self-refuting moral claims (never mind, for now, that their morality is really and totally screwed up). Among other things, they assert:
1) There is no real morality; there is no transcendant standard of rightness by which we may recognize wrong and/or injustice when we see it;
1a) All moral claims are but the arbitrary and groundless assertions by which "those with power" exploit "those without power";
2) You, being a white person (unless you are one of them), are ipso facto one of the oppressors; by the very fact of being white, you "have power" and exploit all non-white persons, who definitionally have no power;
3) Therefore, you are inherently immoral (unless you are a leftist);
4) Therefore, the only way you may even remotely become a moral person is to hate all white persons simply for being white, and do all you can to take from whites the unearned "power" they all have and give that power to the leftists (who are also white, but that's different!)

But, their foundational premise -- that there is no morality, that might makes "right" -- refutes their so-called conclusion. But, that's OK from their point of view, for this was never meant to be a rational argument; reasoning is the last thing leftists want people to do.

So, once one understands the core-and-foundational premise of leftism -- that there is no morality, that might makes "right" -- then one understands what they are up to: it is all about getting supreme power over the lives of everyone else, by whatever means they can. If they can use an emotive appeal to throw your rational faculties off balance, and then slip into your thinking an irrational-and-immoral claim tricked out in the clothing of a moral claim, they will do it so long as it seems to get them closer to the target of supreme power over the lives of everyone else.

And another thing about these periodic white-"liberal" crusades against "whiteness" -- their target is *never* their own privileged white asses, but is rather non- privileged white Americans, such as you and me. Their much self-vaunted concern for black Americans is just the cynical stick with which to keep us “po’ white trash” beat down.


Harry Jan said...

"Their much self-vaunted concern for black Americans is just the cynical stick with which to keep us “po’ white trash” beat down." More than that, Liberals need the Black (and Hispanic) vote: w/o those 2 groups, Liberalism would sink.

Ilíon said...

But, of course ... the Democrats discovered that a black man was more valuable to them swinging the lever in a voting booth than hw was swinging from a tree.