Thursday, March 20, 2025
Is This Really the "Win" It's Portrayed As Being?
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Friday, March 14, 2025
Won't Someone Please Think of the ... Bees?
The Earth's magnetic field is decreasing exponentially, as shown by measurements going back 150 years or more. If I recall correctly, at the measured rate of decay, Earth will have no magnetic field at all in another 2000 years. Which would be very bad news indeed for all living things on Earth.
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Have I Changed, Really?
"Democrats, please clam down. Musk can't become President. Unless ... he can find the guy who made Obama's birth certificate."
"Troy, what has happened to you? The guy I knew in college wasn't full of spite and meanness. Do you really think this is helping anything? I guess "love your neighbor as yourself" is just a nice little phrase reserved for Sunday school. It's crap like this that is driving young people away from the church, and vitriol never won a single soul."
Now, this is the same foolish and absurd woman who, in 2016 (*), I think, though it might have been in 2220 (**), said something on FascistBook to the effect that she couldn't fathom how people who call themselves Christian could even consider voting for the man who said the sort of things about women that he had said. She was referring the the "leaked" "Access Hollywood" tape, in which Trump had crudely -- but accurately -- stated a basic truth about women in general, and certainly about the sort of women who gravitate to the circles in which he moves.
This foolish and absurd woman accuses me of being "full of spite and meanness", in apparent contrast to what she imagines I was like 45+ years ago. I am, in fact, a very kind man, as I always have been ... but I no longer hold my tongue in the presence of lies and intellectual dishonesty, as I did when I was a conflict-avoidant youth. You could say, I have grown into myself.
But, so too has this foolish and absurd woman grown into herself. You see, way back in 1979 or 1980, I noted to myself the trajectory she was on. One spring day before I graduated (so, probably 1980) both Debra and I happened to be hanging out in her mother's office (oh, that poor woman!), and she opined about how it was the moral duty of mankind to protect and preserve every living species. I said nothing to the contrary, because as a boy and young man I was extremely conflict-avoidant, but I thought to myself, "I can think of any number of species I'd eradicate in an instant, if I could."
"It's crap like this that is driving young people away from the church, and vitriol never won a single soul."
This foolish and absurd woman isn't concerned with saving souls -- she supports the Party of Baby-Murder, she supports the Party of Enforced Sexual Perversity, she supports the Party of Sexual Mutilation of Children, she supports the Party of Destroying the Working-Class (****), she supports the Hate America First Party. I could go on, but you get the picture -- she supports the Party of The Lie; everything follows from The Lie.
In truth, it's only "crap like this" -- speaking the truth, no matter how loudly the leftists shriek -- which has any chance of drawing young people to Christ.
No, it's not me being "full of spite and meanness", to which this foolish and absurd woman objects, but rather that I mock the lies with which she chooses to swaddle her mind.
(*) when the presidential choice was between Trump (a '90s Democrat; a sort-of "pro-life" (***) lite adulterer) and Hillary Clinton (a Current Year Democrat, a rabid promoter of abortion, and an enthusiastic participant in the destroying of women who brought credible accusations of sexual assault/abuse against her husband). As I've said a time or two, I voted for neither of them; I voted for the Constitution Party, a party whose platform was unashamedly Christian.
What do you think are the odds that oh-so-Christianly-concerned Debra did likewise? No, she voted for the Democratic Party, the same one she's trying to shame me for opposing.
(**) when the presidential choice was between Trump (a '90s Democrat; a sort-of "pro-life" (***) lite adulterer) and Joe Biden (a very pro-abortion adulterer, credibly accused of rape, who fondled women and children right out in public view, with the cameras running)
(***) As I've said before, I despise the label "pro-life": it's the sort of pablum served up by 5th Avenue to appeal to weak-minded women (and womanly men). I'm not "pro-life", I'm anti-murder.
(****) Her father was a university instructor, and I believe her husband is also; that is, she has lived most of her life in the sort of social and intellectual cocoon in which it doesn't affect you, personally, if your ideas and ideology are for shit.
By the way, I'm a bit mystified as to how she even saw that I'd posted the original semi-meme. I mean, it's not as though we are "friends" on FascistBook.
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Thursday, March 13, 2025
A "Canning Kitchen" in the Basement
Ah. I did have a photo of the "canning kitchen" I built in the basement a couple of years ago.
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Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Exploding the Myth of "Three Co-Equal Branches of Government"
Section 221(H,I) of the Immigration and Nationality Act
(h) Nonadmission upon arrival
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to entitle any alien, to whom a visa or other documentation has been issued, to be admitted the United States, if, upon arrival at a port of entry in the United States, he is found to be inadmissible under this chapter, or any other provision of law. The substance of this subsection shall appear upon every visa application.
(i) Revocation of visas or documents
After the issuance of a visa or other documentation to any alien, the consular officer or the Secretary of State may at any time, in his discretion, revoke such visa or other documentation. Notice of such revocation shall be communicated to the Attorney General, and such revocation shall invalidate the visa or other documentation from the date of issuance: Provided, That carriers or transportation companies, and masters, commanding officers, agents, owners, charterers, or consignees, shall not be penalized under section 1323(b) of this title for action taken in reliance on such visas or other documentation, unless they received due notice of such revocation prior to the alien's embarkation. There shall be no means of judicial review (including review pursuant to section 2241 of title 28 or any other habeas corpus provision, and sections 1361 and 1651 of such title) of a revocation under this subsection, except in the context of a removal proceeding if such revocation provides the sole ground for removal under section 1227(a)(1)(B) of this title.
Tim Pool, reading from Federal Statue -- Section 221(I) of the Immigration and Nationality Act -- (@8:10 mark)
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Monday, March 3, 2025
Putin's Nukes ... and Appeasement
Concerning the fear-mongering and spirit of appeasement toward Putin based on Russia's nuclear stockpile and Putin's continuing threats to use them --
Why do you imagine/assume that Russia is capable of nuking *anyone*? Considering the atrocious maintenance of their conventional arms, does it really make rational sense that they did any better with the more expensive and more technical maintenance required for the nukes?
Assume that the Russian military have somehow managed to maintain 3/4 of their nukes in operational order. That's still a lot of nukes ... and thus really scary, right?
Well, maybe. WHICH 3/4 are operational? Unless the decision to let 1/4 become dudes was intentional, the Russian generals have no idea which ones are not dudes.
But, which is more likely -- that the Russian government intentionally scaled down maintenance to a select minority of the USSR's nukes, or that the Russian government *assumed* that the resources allocated to maintaining the entire stockpile were thus spent without corrupt "diversions" into the bank accounts of high-level officials? That is, how likely is it that the corruption rampant in their conventional military is not also rampant on the nuclear side?
Now, we shouldn't be caviler about Putin's threats to use nukes, but neither should we cower or appease.
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Saturday, March 1, 2025
American Christianity ... and Current Year
When I hopped in the car to drive to the grocery store, I turned on the radio. It was tuned to a local "Christian" station, and the song linked below was playing.
This song is a perfect example of what is wrong with "Christianity" in present-day America. And, incidentally, if you understand what is wrong with this song, you may get a glimpse of why so many men won't go to church -- most churches in modern America are not preaching Life to the dying, but rather are aimed at endorsing the emotionalism of, and flattering the solipsism of, junior-high girls.
Listen to the words of this song, analyze the message being taught via this song -- whose ever gospel is bring preached, it isn't the Gospel of Christ.
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Mossad ... and Equal Measures
You will see people asserting, with great pretense of knowledge, that Jeffery Epstein was a Mossad "asset", and that his criminal and immoral activities were done in furtherance of the interests of the State of Israel and in contradistinction to the interests of America.
Maybe this is so, I don't know either way. But, I *do* know, as a matter of reason, that Epstein could not have done what he did, nor for as long as he did, without the active protection of *American* "intelligence services".
So, here is my point -- when you see people blaming *Israel* for Epstein, and before any real evidence is in, but excusing America on the grounds that the CIA has "gone rogue", you can be assured that you are dealing with a Jew-hater, not a seeker of truth. And certainly not a Christian, for God requires us to judge with the same measure.
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Trump ... and His Ego
Look, I despise this corrupt little Ukrainian Ogre more than I can express. But, Trump is wrong (**) here (@ 3:20 mark in the first video) -- and the foolish Americans who are cheering Trump's behavior and/or accusing the little Ogre of threatening the US are ... well, fools (*).
Also, it's *really* rich of Trump ("This war would never have started had I been in office") to say to the Ogrette, "You don't know that". Hell! Anyone who knows anything about human beings "knows that".The Buy-den maladministration *intentionally* gave Ukraine just enough military aid to drag out the war -- and to open up the sluice-gates of graft and corruption -- but not enough to win it. But now, rather than cleaning up the graft and corruption, and giving Ukraine the necessary aid, the Trump administration has decided to ratify the Putin regime's aggression ... and the end of the "post-war world order". The future is going to be bloody and ugly.
Maybe it already is too late for Ukraine ... but that case hasn't been made.
On the one hand, Trump is just doing what the fickle/bored American populace wants him to do. On the other, he *claims* to be a leader.
But, we all will pay a price for it, just as the Orge was trying to warn.
When the bill for this farce comes due, not one of the fools now cheering and laughing at Zelensky's humiliation is going to admit his own culpability in the horror then unleashed on us.
(*) 'fool' doesn't mean 'stupid', it means to behave *as though* one were stupid. To call someone a 'fool' is to make a moral judgement about that person
(**) EDIT (2025/0303): At the time I saw the linked video and wrote this post, I hadn't seen what preceded Trump's reaction -- shame on me for falling for MSM selective "reporting". Good night, but the nasty little Ogre was disrespectful! Now, it's still true that Trump misinterpreted the Ogre's particular statement at that moment, but it's also true that by that point Trump was addressing the Ogre's performance of the entire past several minutes.
EDIT (2025/03/02): Here is a comment I saw elsewhere; I can agree with this --
"Zelensky essentially tried to guilt-trip Trump into taking the blame for what Obama and Biden did (or didn't do) in the past. Imagine trying to negotiate with this kind of attitude. Trump and Vance were having none of it."
DeVoryDarkins: Zelenskyy KICKED OUT of the White House after shouting match erupts
History Debumked: Why President Trump is determined to abandon Ukraine, and even withdraw from NATO
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Friday, February 28, 2025
Commies ... and "Christian Nationalism"
I watched the clip, and my previous response was based on only what I heard the commie pretending to be a Christian say. However, I had no idea what you thought is "ominous".
But, after googling "God and Country", I think I understand -- you watch too much MSDNC, and they have you in a tizzy over something they are calling "Christian Nationalism" (*). To put it another way, they have you in a tizzy over ... me.
If you'd care to *learn* something about what "Christian Nationalists" *really* say and aim for, might I suggest paying attention to Douglas Wilson. He's a Calvinist and a pedobaptist, both of which I believe to be erroneous, but other than that, he's sound.
"Blog & Mablog" is him reading the text of posts he writes for his "old-fashioned" written blog (also called "Blog and Mablog") -- YouTube search "Blog and Mablog"
"Cannon Press" is more a podcast, with guests and so forth -- Cannon Press (YouTube)
(*) As best I understand it, it was the leftists/atheists who came up with the term "Christian Nationalism" -- both of which are boo-words to commies, and so doubly scary when paired -- and the people whom they were seeking to smear thereby decided that one name is as good as another, and so adopted it.
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